Police Activities
Realize More Police in Top Countries from Android App

In numerous nations, especially those with an administrative arrangement of government, there might be a few law implementation offices, police or police-like associations, each serving various degrees of government and authorizing various subsets of the appropriate law.

Watch more news and videos about Police in your country from Police Activities app

Friday, January 10, 2020

Police Today

Are You Watched by Police? Know more from Android App
Police Activities is an Android app of police update, typically online media, public youtube channels, official police videos and focused in famous countries.
Coming soon in next release :
Collecting and documenting police activity while looking for signs of police misconduct and police brutality.
Monitoring police activity on the streets is a way to prevent police brutality.
Videotaping police activity in the interest of holding the police accountable in the events involving assaults or police misconduct. 
We hope that monitoring police activity will provide a deterrent against police misconduct.
Some groups also patrol at protests and demonstrations to ensure that police do not violate the rights of protesters.
We also hold "Know Your Rights" forums to educate the public about their legal and human rights when interacting with the police, and some groups organize events to highlight problems of police abuse in their communities.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Homicide Rate Statistics in United States

2010 - 2018. Rates are calculated per 100,000 inhabitants per year.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Police Today

Are You Watched by Police? Know more from Android App
Police Activities is an Android app of police update, typically online media, public youtube channels, official police videos and focused in famous countries.
Coming soon in next release :
Collecting and documenting police activity while looking for signs of police misconduct and police brutality.
Monitoring police activity on the streets is a way to prevent police brutality.
Videotaping police activity in the interest of holding the police accountable in the events involving assaults or police misconduct. 
We hope that monitoring police activity will provide a deterrent against police misconduct.
Some groups also patrol at protests and demonstrations to ensure that police do not violate the rights of protesters.
We also hold "Know Your Rights" forums to educate the public about their legal and human rights when interacting with the police, and some groups organize events to highlight problems of police abuse in their communities.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Homicide Rate Statistics in United States

2010 - 2018. Rates are calculated per 100,000 inhabitants per year.